Sunday, August 02, 2009

The curse of the yogurt squirt....eliminated!

I was sitting here eating some yogurt (Orange Creme is the best) and I started thinking about what a pain it is to open the yogurt lid and get squirted by yogurt. Well, it was a pain, until a few years ago when I came up with a solution on how to open a cup of yogurt without squirting yourself. So, here is how you do it. All you have to do is take the edge of your spoon (or sometimes the bottom, depending on the type of spoon) and rub the yogurt lid until you have a tiny little hole. You will know when you've made a hole because you will notice the pressure inside the container is released. Then, all you have to do is open your yogurt and enjoy a mess-free treat! Woo hoo!


Jenny said...

It is quite the trick. Unless of course you struggle like me, and end up stabbing the entire spoon through the lid. That splatters too. So you have to be careful.